Conquests Of The Longbow: The legend of Robin Hood Portable

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Este juego está ambientado en la Inglaterra medieval. Juegas como Robin Hood. Tu objetivo es liberar al rey Ricardo de los franceses por la recaudación de dinero para su rescate. Hay muchos finales diferentes en función de la puntuación que consigues. El juego utiliza una interfaz de ratón. Hay secuencias de arcade integradas en la historia, pero su dificultad se puede ajustar, o pueden ser completamente apagada.


Lenguaje Druida:

Nombres de los árboles (THE DRUID TREES)


In addition, here are other names which may be of interest:

Acertijos de las Piedras (Gemstones):

A piece of sky fell to my feet and I picked it up. Where it touched me, it raised boils. I fear it poisons me. What would you give me?

1.    Black
2.    Blue with white mark
3.    Yellow

My trees are heavy with fruit, my heart is full of all desires, and my wife gives birth to a holy child. What do I have?

1.    Red
2.    Diamond
3.    White with colourful stripes.

The drought lenghtens, the corn withers in my field, and a witch curses me with a glance. What would you give me?

1.    Blue
2.    Black
3.    White with colourful stripes.

I have three fears: I fear travelling by ship; I fear my wife will be unfaithful: I fear the lies of men. What should I take with me?

1.    White with colourful stripes.
2.    Blue with white mark.
3.    Blue

I’ll build a ship to carry me skyward. If it falls, I’ll not be harmed. But I will never tell how it is done. What do I have?

1.    White with colourful stripes.
2.    Blue with white mark.
3.    Turqoise

In summer, my ice does not melt. The red eye becomes clear. Demons run when I raise my hand. What do I have?

1.    Blue
2.    Blue with white mark.
3.    Black

Alas, sadness clothes me like a leaden cloak. A wicked woman lies to me, but I fear danger will come upon me by surprise. What would you give me?

1.    White with colourful stripes.
2.    Yellow
3.    Turqoise

I lie dying, cut deeply by the sword, my flesh burns, spirits of Hades hover to take my soul. What would you give me?

1.    Red
2.    Black
3.    Yellow


Teclas especiales:
ALT + Enter - Pantalla Completa
Ctrl + f11 - Bajar la velocidad (Si va demasiado rápido)
Ctrl + f12 - Aumentar la velocidad
Ctrl + f10 - soltar el ratón del área del juego
IMPORTANTE Para salir del juego pulsa Ctrl + f9 si no el juego seguirá ejecutándose. Cuando te pida cambiar de CD pulsa Control +F4

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